Stressing woman is sitting on the bench.She is looking up the sky and try to talk to the clouds.I’m going to close to her,hope that she starts to talk to me.I think i am better than clouds. Now i’m sitting on the same bench.She doesn’t realize my apperance.She laughs and jokes with them,the clouds.She is crazy! Before i thought she was understressing but now i am banding her crazy.Oh God.. I can’ t catch her attention and i looking at the ground.
Does it really work to talk to you,ground? Then.. i’m seeing the woman who sits next to me. She’s gone! oh how come she did it and i didn’t realize at all. Where my eyes on were before.My eyes are rolling on the environment and just look forward… She is there and doing the suicide! Hey.. It is being done well and i am starting to cry. I am useless person and being the worst. Being the worst!
Autor :
Twitter : @Shanti_Avril
Instagram : shanti.avril
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